~に固執{こしゅう}する、あくまでやり抜く、しつこく言い張る He always persists in his own beliefs and doesn't listen to others. 彼はいつも自分の信念に固執し、他者の意見を聞かない。
persist persist v. 固執する, 主張し続ける; 持続する. 【副詞1】 She gently persisted in her
persist persist v. 固執する, 主張し続ける; 持続する. 【副詞1】 She gently persisted in her remonstrations. 反対意見を穏やかに言い張った persist obstinately しつこく主張し続ける The tendency still persists. その傾向はなお根強い. 【+前置詞】
and yet , i persist in this quixotic endeavor . なのにドンキホーテのようにこだわり
so why does he persist in such a story ? なのに そう言い張るのは なぜだ?
you persist in asking questions you know i will not answer . 俺が答えないのを承知の上で質問しているようだな
but nonetheless we persist in them ? 続いている慣習はあるだろうか?
don't persist in running after me . ああー もう! しつこいな。
why is it that our leaders still persist in looking inwards ? 我々の指導者が今だ内政に固執するのは どうしてでしょう?
so why persist in asking ? どうして質問し続けるの?
why does the matter persist in buzzing away at my most precious commodity , my concentration ? なぜそのために 僕の最も 貴重な能力である集中力に 邪魔が入ってしまうんだ?
to the men on both sides , exhausted for want of food and rest , the doubt began to come whether they should still persist in slaughtering one another . 食事 も と ら す 休息 も せす 疲弊 しき っ た兵士た ち の心に 一様に疑いの念が生 じた
do something repeatedly and showing no intention to stop; "We continued our research into the cause of the illness"; "The landlord persists in asking us to move" Synonyms: continue,